Frequently Asked Question

Where can I download installation files for my software?

Last Updated 4 years ago

We have a system called Clickteam Passport which allows you to access downloads in one simple place.

Before you can use the Clickteam Passport, you must have a fully registered Clickteam Community forum account and you will need to be logged in.  If you need to register an account please click here:

Once you have an account and have clicked the verification link in the email we send, please log in and then proceed to: or click the "Community Passport" link at the top of any page of the Community Forum (see the image below).


The Community Passport lets you register your software with our systems.  This has several advantages:

  • If you own standalone products for PC or Mac, you will be able to access installation and update files for your products in one easy place.
  • You will gain access to customer-only areas of the Community Forum system and will also be able to verify your Discord account on our ClickConverse Discord Server to get access to the customer-only channels there.
  • You will get a product badge on your profile to show others and staff which products you own, which as well as looking cool will help others tailor their advice to fit your software.

Registering Your Products

The Clickteam Passport is able to register products purchased from Steam, or from our own web shops (and other resellers).

Standalone Multimedia Fusion 2, Fusion 2.5, Exporters or other software:

If you own standalone products, simply enter them (only one at a time) in the input box on the left, then click "Add new product":


Steam Fusion 2.5 or Exporters:

If you purchased products through your Steam account, please enter your Steam ID or other identifier in the box on the right, then click "Add/Update my Steam ID":


If you do not know your Steam ID, you can find it by following these directions:

  • Open up Steam.
  • Click on your email on the top right.
  • Click on "View Profile".
  • Right click on your avatar image and click "Copy Page URL".

You can verify your Steam ID by entering the details on this page before entering them into the Clickteam Passport.

Downloading Your Software

Once you have registered products with the Community Passport, you will see them listed any time you come back to the page.  Beneath each product you will see a series of options:


Clicking on the "Downloads" link/icon of any standalone software titles will open up a menu listing any available downloads for this particular product, including installation files and main product installers (note that these are not available for Steam product owners):


I can't find my product keys - where can I get them?

If you can't find your product keys (for standalone purchases) please click here for help.

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